Monthly Archives: April 2021

Spring arrives in the swamp

Winter view from marsh of Moose Island, Valley Mtn behind; Slide Mtn in distance at left.

There’s always something wondrous to see in “the Bog” on the edge of Wells – more correctly called a fen, I’m told.

Winter view from marsh down Willow River valley.

One of my favourite things to observe is the annual movement of willows that spring back after a winter bent under the weight of several metres of snow. The dark colour of their branches absorbs heat from the sun and accelerates their rate of recoil. Their imprints remain in the snow where they used to lay underneath.

Here and there lie small springs of Bryonia lichen that has blown off trees in the wind. Their dark colour also attracts solar warmth to form small pockets in the snow.

Creekside trail, early spring